
The Value of Failure

Some people will go to any lengths to avoid failure.  Please understand from the onset I am not advocating failure for failure’s sake.  I am however going to suggest that without failure it is very difficult, if not impossible, to accomplish great things.  …

Happy Father’s Day

When I started my blog I never said everything would be original.  When I was a member of the National Speakers Association I once heard someone say, “stealing from one person is plagiarism - stealing from a lot of people is research.” …

Are We Spiritually Tested?

Have you ever felt that you were being spiritually tested?  Many people, at one time or another, have felt they were being tested spiritually by some divine power - or God.  For many, just like blaming one’s karma for making a thing happen, so too, being spiritually tested seems to offer some rational explanation as to

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